
Papermaking In Spain 2003

July (dates to be announced) – Paper Mill/Museum, Capellades
18th Annual Summer Paper Workshop by Victoria Rabal, Director

For further information (soon to be posted): – or contact:

Victoria Rabal
Museu Moli Paperer de Capellades
Pau Casals, 10
08786 Capellades (Barcelona)

Tel. and Fax 34 93 801-2850

email: [email protected]


August (dates to be announced) – Pilar i Joan Miró Foundation, Mallorca

Hand Papermaking and Paper Art by Victoria Rabal, Director of the Paper Mill/Museum of Capellades, and Laurence Barker. The objective of this workshop is to provide a general overview of handmade paper with basic instruction in pulp preparation and sheet formation combined with special attention to paper’s plastic and esthetic qualities. Subjects covered include: comparative analysis of Oriental and Western methods, preparation of plant fibers for beating, their physical and chemical properties, coloring and sizing techniques and mold and watermark construction. Laurence Barker will present a review of his work in the field of paper art with special emphasis on the printmaking/paper dynamic. Instruction will be given in such pulp painting procedures as lamination and wash-out techniques.

For further information (soon to be posted): – or contact:

Joan Oliver
Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca
Joan Saridakis, 29
07015 Palma, Balearic Islands

Tel. 34 971 701-420
Fax 34 971 702-102

email: [email protected]